Thursday, December 23, 2010

Super Nintendo Anyone?

Contra III: The Alien Wars (1992)
Konami- Super Nintendo

           Some of the best roommate bonding experiences originate not just from studying and partying, but playing video games. Most student houses have at least 2-3 game consoles where mindless hours are spent gaming. Before you read any further, let me tell you that today’s game Contra III: Alien Wars is not supported in HD, dual-shock controllers, or surround sound. It’s one of the best 2D MULTIPLAYER games of our generation that we can enjoy with our roommates and friends. To play this wicked side-scroller online just click here.

Shoot & Shoot More
           The storyline involves aliens invading earth, and that’s really all there is to say. To be frank, the plot doesn’t really make any sense at all. It’s based around two characters named Jimbo and Sully that have to save the planet in the year 2636 from an alien race. One minute you’re driving a tank down the streets of LA, and the next minute you’re shooting your way out of a giant alien body (you have to shoot your way out of almost every situation). Some of the levels are your standard 2D side-scroller, while other levels are played from a birds-eye-view... a nice little change up.

Konami takes full advantage of the Super Nintendo’s stereo sound, and 16-bit graphics. Some levels might be likely to cause epileptic seizures, but what game doesn’t these days? The only buttons you really need are: Left, Right, A (shoot), B (shoot more), and Trigger (change what you’re shooting). 
Hover-Bikes in 2636?
From the vast arsenal of guns, bombs, and vehicles you’ll find yourself replaying this 6 level game all day long.  The game has easy, medium, and hard modes... all of which are pretty difficult. At the end of the day this is definitely a great game. If you don’t have many plans for the day I recommend you take a look at this game.... who knows, maybe you’ll save the world today?

All Joking aside, this game is the perfect way to waste time, procrastinate, and much more. These two- dimensional games have become a part of our childhood memories, and are still worth playing. 

This game gets a whopping 5 guns out of 5.

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