Sunday, April 17, 2011

Thanks for reading!

It's looking like the contest is now over! A big thanks to everyone who came out and supported my blog. I would especially like to thank my fans from all across the world that have been reading my blog (I have no idea why, but hey!).

"Bye, bye, bye" -NSYNC

Exams FTW.

Desk #354 was extra 'wobbly' this year!

It’s the end of the year undergrads, and do you know what that means? EXAM time! Luckily I’ve already written 1 of 3, so now I have a little breathing room to blog about it.

To be frank, I don’t have a problem with exams. I don’t see what the big deal is, and why everyone is stressing out. If you've attended class a couple times this year, and jotted down a few notes you should be ready for this 40% final... right?

Oh wait... you’re telling me that you didn’t go to class this year? That you didn’t get any participation marks? That you don’t have any notes? I’m sure you have some logical reasons for potentially failing this course.

Let me guess, you didn’t go to class on Thursday’s because you went to The Moose on Wednesdays?

You don’t have participation marks because you played facebook games like “family feud” and “wheel of fortune” in class?

And you don’t have any notes because you’ve never logged on to blackboard, webadvisor, your NUemail, or you professors’ website? your entire life?

This guy clearly never went to class!

Well if you’re in that boat (the same boat as most students) it’s safe to say that we might be seeing you in University Success next year, for a third time. But I do highly recommend writing the final exam, I mean... it’s worth a shot right?

So here’s some advice:
if you’re majoring in humanities (English, history, etc) just write 10-15 pages in your exam, on whatever subject you want... and I’m sure you’ll get some marks for creativity. As for everyone else... when in doubt choose C (unless of course it’s a true/false question choose B).

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

North Bay Segway

Alright, this blog post is going to be kept short and sweet. Has anyone seen the man who drives a Segway to class? Well I have and let me tell you, he doesn’t drive it up the Monastery Trail; he rides it right up one of the most ferocious hills in North Bay, the College Drive Hill.

For those of you who don’t exactly know what a Segway is... you can check it out on Wikipedia. It’s basically a one-person vehicle with two wheels (no, it’s not a bike). The wheels are placed near the lateral side of each foot. A handle bar is erected from the middle of the standing platform up to the hands. An onboard computer stabilizes the ride, making sure that the driver doesn’t fall forwards or backwards. Some models of the Segway are also available with 3 wheels. Segways usually max out at around 20mp/h, which is a great speed for cruising down a well paved sidewalk.

Some of the world’s most famous people own and drive Segways on a regular basis. Take for instance Shaq, he has a Segway. It’s debatable that he is one of the largest people (7 foot 1, 330lbs) in the world to ever ride one successfully. And if the “most followed athlete on Twitter" is cruising around on one, you know it’s got to be good for ya!

Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against Segways... in fact I fully support Segways. It’s one of the coolest ways to get around (often seen in large urban centres) and are especially suitable in North Bay. If the Segway man is reading this blog post, please know that I do fully support your decision to ride a Segway to class in March. No matter how many cars pass you, or how snowy College Drive gets... Ride on good sir, ride on!

P.S. I’ve posted some outrageous pictures and videos of Segways.


Great parenting.

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